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Virtues Worth Pursuing

by Brett Fuller on August 05, 2019

As a youth I pursued sports in hopes of becoming a pro until it became obvious that no one was going to want to pay me to do anything athletically. I also pursued dentistry in hopes of following in my dad's footsteps. To date, the only teeth I have pulled were my children's baby teeth as they dangled from a thread of gum tissue.

Like me, some of the things you've pursued you didn't capture. Yet, some of your more accomplished pursuits may be compared to the man who went hunting a bear only to realize the bear was hunting him. Running after something while running from the same is an interesting study in confusion…

The Bible inspires us to pursue safe and productive attributes that when acquired will benefit us and the world. 1 Timothy 6:11 says, "...man of God... pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness." These jewels of character should be put on the shopping list of things to bring home. Pursuing these virtues will ensure you live right, and live well...