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The Gift of Forgiveness & Redemption

by Brett Fuller on January 10, 2022

I don't know anyone who enjoys failure. Everyone wants to succeed at something, but the reality of our fallibility means at some point we will come up short. In John 1:29, John the Baptist proclaimed of Christ, "...Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"

This metaphorical language signified the sacrificial role Christ would play in bringing the world back to God and gave clarity as to the purpose of His sacrifice- He was to, “…take away the sin of the world"

The Greek word for sin, "hamartia" is also translated "failure". So, when John made his proclamation, he was revealing two presents in one gift: forgiveness from sin and redemption from failure.

We Christians are fairly practiced at requesting forgiveness for our disobedience, but not so skilled at requesting Divine "do overs" for our failures or believing for complete redemption.

Don't let your failures become your best reflection. Bring them to God and let Him "take them away", thereby creating a clean slate upon which He can draw the blueprints for your next victory. Live right, live well...