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Search & Rescue

by Brett Fuller on January 18, 2021

In Genesis 16, Sarai being barren instructs Abram to give her a child through Hagar her maidservant. Once pregnant, Hagar begins to despise Sarai by presumably trying to steal Abram's affections. Sarai responds vindictively leaving Hagar with few choices. Hagar leaves, but having no place to go, she wanders without provision.

The most interesting verse in this passage is verse seven where it says, "Now the angel of the LORD found her by a spring of water in the wilderness, by the spring on the way to Shur." 

Although Abram nor Sarai went looking for her, God did. Why? She was carrying a promise to Abram with whom God was establishing a covenant. God Himself will go searching for...

  1. A lost promise and...
  2. The ones who carry that promise.

Are there promises God made you which seem to be AWOL? Are you AWOL? Know for certain that God has dispatched His "messengers" to find His promises and those who carry them. So, if you are wandering, accept this devotional as part of His search & rescue mission and consider yourself re-found! Live right, live well...