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Remembering God

by Brett Fuller on March 05, 2018

Years ago, Drew Barrymore starred in the movie, “50 First Dates.” She played a woman who experienced a car accident that deprived her of all short term memory. Everyday thereafter was as if it was the day before her accident. When she becomes interested in a man, every date is a first date.

Memory allows our “now” to be full. It is also intended support future decision making. Without memory, we have no ties to our rich past and no foundation for prospective building. This is why Deut 8:11-17 says, “Take care lest you forget the Lord your God and… say, ‘The power and might of my own hand has gotten me this wealth.”

Unlike Drew Barrymore's character in the movie, most of us have no physical problem with our memory, but we do tend to have a spiritual one. We lapse when new challenges block our recollection of God’s previous miracles and we neglect to thank Him for His consistent provision.

Today, let’s remember who God is and what He has done so our relationship with Him doesn’t degenerate to another first date. Live right, live well…