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Propelled into Recovery

by Brett Fuller on August 23, 2021

In John 1:4-15 we read the account of Jonah's disobedience. When he defied God by heading to Tarshish rather than the prescribed Nineveh, his road to recovery would not be smooth.            

God brought a storm of unusual force upon the ship in which he was making his getaway. Once the sailors realized he was the cause of their trouble, they tried to return to land but found the storm growing in intensity. 

The only way to salvage the lives of the men was to throw Jonah overboard. Once jettisoned, the storm stopped. But Jonah's problems were just beginning. As he was about to drown a large fish swallowed him. After three days in the gastric juices of the sea monster, he was "hurled" by the said fish onto the shore of his original mission. There he reluctantly prophesied, leading Nineveh to repentance. Not an easy recovery.

May God help us live right and live well so we never need to recover. Live right, live well…