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Next Level Faith

by Brett Fuller on January 27, 2020

In Genesis 12 & 13, Abram hears God's voice, leaves all things familiar, obeys & follows (Genesis 12:1-7, 13:14-18). However, obeying His voice in the present was very distinct from believing Him for his future. In fact, in Genesis 15:1-7 Abraham unburdens himself before God telling Him that His blessings mean little if he has no heir to whom he can leave them. God then confirms in verses 4-5 that he will have a son by saying, "Look up at the heavens and count the stars—if indeed you can count them… So shall your offspring be."

The promise to fulfill a longtime desire enabled Abram to ascend to the next level of faith at which God was waiting with credited righteousness. When he ascended God also revealed more of Himself (Genesis 15:7).

Lesson: When we rise from one level of faith to another, every plateau affirms our righteousness and the One who called us reveals more of Himself.

Let God begin to align your dream with His dreams and watch how next level faith becomes as natural as your next step and your understanding of God increases. Live right, live well...