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Natural vs Spiritual Means

by Brett Fuller on June 28, 2021

In 1 Samuel 19:18-24, David is fleeing from Saul to Samuel, his prophet. Knowing he was there, king Saul sent a military regiment to retrieve David. Strangely, when the soldiers arrive at Samuel's lodging they abandoned their duty and spontaneously begin to prophesy. Saul sends two more delegations that experience the same supernatural influence.

With David still not in custody, Saul decides to personally bring him in. As he approaches Samuel's dwelling he also falls under Samuel's prophetic influence and begins to prophesy.

Although Saul was employing military might to apprehend David, Samuel chooses to not fight fire with fire. Instead of resorting to the sword to protect David, he uses his spiritual gift and calling. 

Unlike Samuel, we too often rely on natural means to address an issue rather than utilizing the power of the Holy Spirit’s gifting within us. May you approach your next antagonistic environment relying on the presence of the Holy Ghost who just might even persuade your enemies to be at peace with you (Proverbs 16:7). Live right, live well...