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Leading Others to the Promised Land

by Brett Fuller on June 22, 2020

When the Israelites were entering into the promised land God had them cross the Jordan river.  In Joshua 3, He created a miracle by stopping the waters at a city named Adam, 11 miles upstream. It took hours for the waters to sufficiently dry up for the people to cross. Yet, in 2 Kings 2, when Elijah was about to depart from the earth, he separated the same waters by hitting them with his cloak. They immediately opened and he walked over.

It seems there are different graces to see barriers to your promised land removed. If one is crossing over alone, there may be grace for a quicker move of God. If one is leading a people, it might take a little longer. 

Lesson: leading people into their promised land requires more time, patience, perseverance and faith than for you to singularly enter into yours. Understanding that to be true, don't let the delay in crossing over with others tempt you to go it alone. Lead right, lead well...