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Incorporate the Need of Others

by Brett Fuller on April 20, 2020

2 Kings 4:1-7 details Elisha's aid to a widow in distress. Her only possession: a single jar of oil. Having a deceased husband who had been a prophet, was what encouraged her to ask Elisha for help.

In verse 3, he instructs her to go borrow from her neighbors as many vessels as possible. Then she was going into her house and pour the oil from her jar into the jars she borrowed.  As she obeyed, miraculously, the oil from her jar did not stop pouring until every jar she borrowed was full. She then sold the oil, paid off her debt and survived the famine.

As wonderful as this story ends, think how much better it would have ended if she had thought bigger. Understand there were many people in her city who were struggling. If the request for aid had encompassed the needs of her town, might God's compassion have provided not only for her but also for her neighbors?

When you go to prayer today, enlarge your request to include the needs of your friends. Let, God use the miracle He performs for you to change the world. Live right. Live well…