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In the Presence of God

by Brett Fuller on August 06, 2018

In Numbers 17:2-10 God wanted to show the people of Israel the one upon who He had placed His approval. This display of confirmation came on the heals of leaders vying for national spiritual influence. The Lord told the leaders to each get a branch in which there was no life and place it in his presence by nightfall. Aaron's (Moses’ brother) rod was among them. By morning, while the other rods were unchanged, Aaron's rod had sprouted, budded, blossomed and produced ripe fruit.

When God calls a person to minister, He anoints them to do what He calls them to do. Like those dead branches, there is no inherent grace to perform, but because God is skilled at bringing life from death productive ministry emerges.

Is your ministry dormant, dead or unfruitful? If so, stay in the presence of God, especially through the "dark nights" of life, and see if the miraculous fruit of character & calling begins to sprout, bud, blossom and produce the kind of fruit that helps everyone live right and live well…