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Humbly Celebrate Your Success

by Brett Fuller on August 02, 2021

Genesis 9:20-21 says, that after Noah exited the ark, he "...began farming and planted a vineyard.  21 He drank of the wine and became drunk, and uncovered himself inside his tent."

Now to be fair to Noah, this was his first major grape harvest after the flood and a celebration was in order. However, with the mammoth climatic changes occurring because of and after the flood, he probably didn't know that the process of "fermentation" had become a standard atmospheric condition. If true, his inebriation was an accidental consequence of enjoying very strong grape juice.

What's the lesson to be learned? Your success should be celebrated, but be careful. There is a hidden influence therein which can "go to your head". Now, if you imbibe too deeply it probably won't destroy you, but understand that others might begin to see more of you than you are comfortable "revealing". So, don't get intoxicated on the fruit of your labor. Live right, live well...