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Grace to Give and Receive

by Brett Fuller on April 09, 2018

When God decides to do something in the earth, His standard operating procedure is to use a person/people. The Bible is filled with men and women who were used to speak and perform for God, though it was actually God doing the speaking and performing.

This is the reason Jesus aligned the benefit the recipient of the ministry received with the reward the minister would receive for discharging his service. He said in Matt 10:41, "He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward…”

This statement forever clarifies God’s disposition regarding those who we consider most gifted and the “garden variety” folk. See, only God can enable both the receiver to receive and the giver to give. So it stands to reason, that if the same grace is needed to receive His word as to minister His word, that He would reward the hearers/receivers to the same level as the minister.

So, let’s not hinder the benefit progression. If ministers, keep ministering and receivers, keep receiving, everybody will live right and live well…