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Empowered by the Holy Spirit

by Brett Fuller on August 16, 2021

The 1980 Oscar Winning movie, "Chariots of Fire" tells the story of Eric Liddell- the 1924 Olympic gold medalist from Scotland whose running form was so unorthodox that it prompted onlookers to ask, "Where does his power come from?" 

In Acts 1, a very pedestrian group of men were charged with advancing the Kingdom of God. Uneducated, young, disrespected, and un-degreed, they were dismissed by the establishment as being of no consequence. Yet, the Holy Spirit's empowerment would have the naysayers eating their words. 

God is not dissuaded by weakness, ineptness or need. Insignificance has never been a deterrent to His election. At this point a "Hallelujah" might be in order because a major excuse for you not being used by Him has just dissolved!

Today, let the obvious frailty that is your humanity, be so overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit that it makes people question, "From where does his power come?" Live right, live well...