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Consider the Cost

by Brett Fuller on May 04, 2020

After a three year drought, Elijah appears before his king, Ahab, to bring relief. In 1 Kings 18 he uses the institution of sacrifice as the means for God to provide rain. However, to ensure the true God would get the glory for ending the drought, he lets the competitor religion first petition their god for rain. Those who worshipped Baal did everything they knew to do, without success.

Elijah then prepares his sacrifice to God with one unusual addition. He asks for water to be poured on the altar. Remember, they were in a drought and water was more valuable than gold. Such a request in a drought was both insensitive and wasteful—yet right!

Elijah knew that if they did not offer to God what was most precious, neither would they receive what was most precious. Verse 38 says, everything was consumed but the water was “licked up”. To where was it taken? It became the “seed” for the harvest of rain that would break the three and one half year drought.

Lesson: Sometimes we have to give up what we need to get what we can’t live without. Live right, live well…