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Call and Response

by Brett Fuller on December 09, 2019

Samson was called to be the deliverer for Israel but there is evidence to suggest that he may have been reluctant to accept his calling. When he falls in love with a Philistine woman, his parents do everything possible to dissuade him from pursuing her. Yet, regarding this ill-fated union Judges 14:4 says, “However, his father and mother did not know that it was of the LORD, for He was seeking an occasion against the Philistines.

When God detours from the normal route of “highest and best” to take a road, which has fewer benefits to the traveler and the passengers, there must be a good reason. Having Samson marry a foreigner-- an assumed idolater and a citizen of the people with whom he is about to declare war-- definitely departs from the standard operating procedure of engaging a man in his calling. Yet it seems this was the only way God could get him to start doing his job.

When God calls, respond quickly so He won’t have to resort to other, less beneficial means, to get you engaged in your destiny. Live right, live well…