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Building Permanent Foundations

by Brett Fuller on June 14, 2021

When Ezra returned with the Israelites from their captivity in Babylon, chapters 3 & 4 say Jerusalem was destroyed along with its temple. As the people began to rebuild, the first thing they erected was the altar of sacrifice.

From the foreign people of the land, they did not experience a day of opposition to their worship. Antipathy from the world only came when construction of the temple's foundation began.

The enemy will let you worship and sacrifice without much resistance, yet when you begin to build permanent foundations in your life, other's life or in the church you had better be prepared for a fight. The distinction being, places of sacrifice and worship are moments designed for you to visit with God. However, a spiritual foundation is the stuff upon which a structure can be built which prepares for God to ABIDE with you. Both are impacting, but the latter having more permanence than the former, strikes fear in the heart of the enemy. So, this week, build right, build well...