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Avoiding the Distractions of the Past

by Brett Fuller on July 06, 2020

One of the enemy's strategies to distract us from fruitful endeavors is to get us to revisit our past achievements with more fondness than is necessary. Samson, after visiting his fiancé and killing the lion in Judges 14, retraces his steps back home. When he comes upon the carcass of the lion he dispatched, he notices something unusual. In its belly, a swarm of bees has built a hive, out of which honey is flowing. Samson dips his hand in the honey and enjoys the unusual by-product of his victory.

Have you ever been tempted to read & re-read your favorable press clippings? Does the rear view mirror of "wins" get more satisfying with each passing day? Do your past accomplishments get “sweeter” as the days go by?

Be careful, because while there was amazing purpose realized when victory was secured, it is the next challenge which is intended to renew your sense of significance. Don't let your past creep wrongly into your present. Live right, live well...