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Approach with Supplication & Patience

by Brett Fuller on April 06, 2020

Jacob is the grandson of Abraham, yet a good pedigree cannot be a replacement for a good relationship. Unfortunately, on this point, Jacob was slow on the uptake.

Early on he employed coercion to wrench the birthright from Esau his brother and deception to steal his brother's blessings.

It wasn't until Genesis 32, when he needed to pass through Esau's territory, that he faced an obstacle which deception could not overcome. Fearing his brother's wrath, he spends a frightful night with God during which this smooth operator's "game" and hip were forever busted causing him to limp for the rest of his life. Depleted of all resources, he finally gets to where he should have started- broken before God. He then asks God to bless him and the Lord grants his requests.

Learning from Jacob's mistakes, let's abandon our efforts to coerce a blessing and practice approaching the Father with supplication and patience. If done sooner than later, chances are we won't have to limp through our life walk with God. Live right, live well...