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A Way of Escape

by Brett Fuller on July 03, 2017

America has a branch of the military called the United States Coast Guard. In patrolling US coastal waters, their duties include the proper execution of search and rescue missions. In the most dangerous weather conditions, complicated by rough seas, they risk their lives to perform their duties with the utmost proficiency. They are amazing people!

2 Pet. 2:7-9 says of God, “…if He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men… 9 then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation…” Temptation is a force. It sways men’s souls to depart from the way of righteousness and commit sinful acts whose consequences always exceed the benefit.

Peter says the Lord knows how to rescue us even when the waves of temptation attempt to drown our soul. So, when you begin to feel overwhelmed by tulmult of seduction, cry out like a person drowning and watch how quickly the Lord will show up to save. Live right, live well…