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A People Focused Approach

by Brett Fuller on November 05, 2018

In John 10:27-28 Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28  and I give eternal life to them; and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand." The Scriptures often use the shepherding profession as a template for leadership. People are not like cattle which must be driven, pushed and prodded to their destination. They are more like sheep which must be led. This method of guidance is a uniquely God centered, people focused approach. When properly employed, it allows the people we lead to be respectably "voice activated”-- no manipulative & coercive tactics needed.

Here, Jesus detailed three leadership techniques that inspire sheep to follow a leader:

  • Good Communication
  • Relational Administration
  • Provisions of Security

Regardless of your skill or talent, implementation of these three priorities will work for anyone who works them. Once faithfully practiced, the leader should be pleased in that he will guide both better behaved sheep and a lot more of them! Lead right, lead well…