GraceKids Made New Baptism Class

GraceKids Made New Baptism Class

First Sunday, from 03/03/2024 to 11/03/2024, 9:50 AM - 10:30 AM

Group: Chantilly

Made New is a salvation and baptism class for children, ages 5 through 11, who have accepted Jesus as their Lord & Savior and are ready to be baptized. Children who would like to learn more about what it means to have a relationship with Jesus and Baptism may attend as well but will not be considered Candidates for Baptism.

Children that have been noted as being ready for baptism will be given the opportunity to choose to be baptized at the end of the class. Children attending for the learning portion and not noted as ready will be noted as having attended the class in their church record. If they would like to be baptized at a later time parents will need to contact to set up a Baptism interview.

At the end of class, there will be a Salvation invitation & a 1 to 1 Baptism interview with those that have been noted by a parent as ready for baptism. We will briefly discuss their Salvation and what it means and ask them to explain why we get Baptized. This is to ensure they understand their Salvation and are choosing to be baptized.  

We look forward to walking with your child(ren).

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