Risen Motherhood: Bible Study for Moms

Risen Motherhood:  Bible Study for Moms

Every Wednesday, from 02/07/2024 to 04/17/2024, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Group: Chantilly

This is a 1 hour Study for women who are in the hands-on motherhood season of their life. This group is great for moms in every season, from brand new moms, all the way through to those with high-schoolers.

In a world of five-step lists and silver-bullet solutions to become perfect parents, mothers are burdened with mixed messages about who they are and what choices they should make. If you feel pulled between high-fives and hard words, with culture’s solutions only raising more questions, you’re not alone.

But there is hope!

You might think that Scripture doesn’t have much to say about the food you make for breakfast, how you view your postpartum body, mothering children with special needs, or what school choice you make for your children, but a deeper look reveals that the Bible provides the framework for finding answers to your specific questions about modern motherhood.

Moms, join us as we walk through the redemptive story and reveal how the gospel of Jesus applies to your everyday life, bringing hope, freedom, and joy in every area of motherhood!


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