Spring Women's Bible Study - 2021 - Wednesdays

Every Wednesday, from 04/07/2021 to 05/19/2021, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Group: Chantilly

Journey deeper into relationship with your Heavenly Father as we begin our Spring Women’s Study.

What: You know that as a believer you are called to forgive but how? How can you truly forgive someone who hurt you? What does "letting it go" actually look like? What if they don’t even seem sorry?

Find refreshment in God’s Word with this six-week study on forgiveness by June Hunt. Packed with practical tips, realistic advice, and discussion questions, the 6-week Choosing Forgiveness Bible study invites you to dive deeper into the Bible and shows you how to apply its truth to your life.

Books can be purchased HERE

Or if you would prefer we have a limited amount available at the front desk for purchase for $10 during office hours.

Where: The Wednesday study meets Virtually via Zoom. The link will be sent out 24 hours in advance of the first meeting. 
Register Here

Who: Weekly bible study for women of all ages, at all stages of their Christian walk, meeting virtually via Zoom.

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