Grief Share: A Journey of Hope and Healing

Grief Share: A Journey of Hope and Healing

Every Saturday, from 10/19/2024 to 11/23/2024, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Group: Chantilly

Grief Share is a 6-week intensive Bible-based curriculum that we use for journeying through hope and healing in grief. In this course, we explore what grief is, the various types of grief, and if the feelings we feel are normal. We will also recognize the effects of grief and identify techniques as well as biblical understandings of the grief journey. By the end of the course, our hope is that by gaining a better understanding of grief and its process, the information shared will aid in the healing journey.


Please use this Google Meeting link for this virtual class: Virtual Class Link

Or you may dial in using:  +1 314-833-0375.  PIN: 925155550

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