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The Wish Book

by Jim Critcher on March 25, 2014

Jim Critcher

A long, long time ago—before the advent of the Internet—there was a thing called The Wish Book. In that land that time has forgotten, there was a store known as Sears that practically invented both the “big box store” and catalog shopping. That catalog became the reference for all manner of things—from houses to clothes to washing machines and yes, to toys.

The Wish Book would usually arrive in mailboxes in the fall of each year. Contained between its covers could be found several hundred pages of wonderment designed to create starry-eyed desire in its readers, particularly among the young. Barbie stuff. Boy stuff. Important stuff one never knew existed before. People came to believe that life would not be worth living without all the treasures paraded before their eyes in that much-adored Bible of material things. Children drove their parents crazy with, “Is it Christmas YET? HOW MANY MORE DAYS? Are you sure Santa got the item numbers straight for my order?”

The Bible. Is it, too The Wish Book? “What if God…?” “Maybe if I’m REALLY good, He’ll let me have…”

How often have we misread, misinterpreted and wrongly translated His Words and thus have made them into mere wishes? Like children pouring over The Wish Book, in our immaturity we seldom ever press beyond the pictures on the page and into the things He has ordered for us.

To do this, we have to listen—not just place orders. Listen—not talk. We were given two ears and one mouth by design. Our prayers must evolve beyond merely seeking some benefit for ourselves to those things that originate from the heart and design of God. If we are deeply rooted in trust in Him, our prayers will come from a place beyond wish and whim to one grounded in a Father’s love. This is maturity – when our wishes align with His plans and our prayers reflect His perfect alignment.

Come join us at the fifth annual Every Nation Prophetic Gathering April 4-5th in Chantilly, Virginia. This year’s theme is Prayer: One Mouth, Two Ears. Get equipped to listen and pray God’s will, and discover why we have one mouth and two ears. For more information and to register, visit thelisteningrm.org